Tuesday 18 September 2012


Today I woke up interested in words (duh). It started with a word that I encountered in a book I was reading. The word was 'Adroit'. I know many of you already know the meaning of this word and I was eager to join the community of the knowledgeable. To be one of those who say: pff, you mean you do not know the meaning of the word adroit? How nescient can you be?
Well I found out that it means adept but while I was leveling in my new found knowledge I found myself wondering at the origin of language.
When the brain capacity of humans increased enough to accommodate language, I bet the first thing those hairy ancestors of ours was use the sounds they were already making to point at objects in their immidiet vicinity. May be 'hool' was used to mean 'that tree over there.' and 'yaaa' to mean that animal over there.
Then as the number of objects to be communicated about increased, these ancestors began using sounds to point out things that were not in the immidiet environment of the communicator. i.e. the ancestor could use ýaaa' to describe the same animal but when the person he was communicating with couldn't see it.
Then using sounds wasn't enough and the artistic of them started drawing the things that he observed; the elephants, the hunts, the hunters etc.
At this time it became important to express the sounds they were making in a pictorial fashion and thus the drawing of a circle that the artistic ones used to show the moon became the pictorial symbol for the sound made to identify the moon. And so the the drawing of a tree became the symbol for the sound 'hool.' And thus written language was formed.
Then centuries came and went and the languages got refined. Different populations developed different languages after they became isolated from their mother population. Some languages became universal when they were taught to far off populations by travelers, colonialists etc. And today languages are still developing. Some are dissapearing and some are developing to incorporate new words and sounds.   
Please be aware that these are only my thoughts and I am no expert on linguistics.


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