Wednesday 4 February 2015


Time is not a line. That everything can be ordered from the past into the future. It is a man made invention trying to explain complex events that make sure that the universe is not in the same exact state in two separate moments to one observer.
Some suggest that it is a dimension. That you can report the position of an object by using the known three dimensions and the time that it was in that position. This to me is a paradox. How can two observers describe an event in agreement unless they first create and agree on a method of describing the event.
If indeed there was a way to capture the exact state of the universe at an instant, down to the subparticle level. And there was a way to later recreate this or reconfigure the universe to that captured exact state, then you would have time travelled. You would be in the 'past' (even though you would be still in the present).
Who is to say that the universe cannot be in the same state twice. To two different observers it can be. What is true of an individual is not often true for the population.
We have created an assumption called time and on this created grand theories that have come to be accepted as fact. A variety of subparticles exist. None can explain time. Gravity, electromagnetic forces and others they can.
As a parting shot, assume that for a moment there was no time. No past, present and future. That your mind was the capturing equipment that captures the exact state of your observable universe in instants. And which can predict future states and assign probabilities to them.


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