Sunday 22 November 2020


 The fall

A lot of time when talking with her you feel so calm and normal as if you are talking to a person who has known you your entire life. 

But then the tiniest word from her, just a normal word of kindness and a deep love for her bubbles from so deep within you that it can't seem to end. Like an ocean without a bottom. And you love her so much. Everything makes sense in the world and you are happier, stronger and better. She's the last person you want to talk to before sleep and the first person after you wake up.

The break up

A lot of the time you feel okay. Like you have completely gotten over her. Like you are now ready to move on. 

But then the randomest thought or the sighting of the most innocuous thing, like the soap you bought her because she couldn't use yours, or her favourite sitting position on your chair. Or the lack of that good morning text that you used to take for granted. And the deepest, most painful loneliness takes a hold of you. And you try everything to not feel such heartache but nothing works. And you want to text her and tell her that whatever you did or she thought you did, you are sorry. And if she would just be there as she was.


 The fall A lot of time when talking with her you feel so calm and normal as if you are talking to a person who has known you your entire li...