Thursday 13 June 2013

The Dream

I got no sleep yesterday. The little sleep that I got came with a very pleasant dream. I dreamt that there was a better place out there, in deep space, where people exist. I dreamt that the reason that life here on earth is difficult is because we are not from this earth. You see we are from a different planet that is filled with beings of the kindest type. Good people who think about others before themselves, people who are not selfish self centered, evil or ingenious in evil deeds. These people of this planet do not tolerate any evil person in their midst and a long time ago they rounded up all evil people and their seed, traveled them across space and dumped them here on earth.
We are their seed, all of us. Born of evil. Trying to make life work in an evil place. In this dream our ancestors were told that one day, if they were good, they would be whisked away to their original home. Their suffering would end on an unknown day in the future. If they were good.
Yes I admit that the dream had a heavy christian undertone. And that I had fallen trap to the oldest psychological gimmick in the book, that of believing that my problems were caused and would be solved by a supernatural force.
But was I wrong? Doesn't all humanity presuppose the presence of a supernatural force albeit how scientifically incorrect that might be. Does not all religion hold on to rules supposedly written by a God and delivered through a chosen servant?
So if Nostradamus through the great science of astronomy predicted the future, John saw a revelation of the end of days whilst on an island, a girl (later a nun) predicted the death of pope John Paul I then why shouldn't I predict a future right now here on

A round clock strikes noon,
Do not swear by the moon.
When the black scorpion stings,
That day you will sing.

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