Tuesday 2 December 2014


I have a job interview tomorrow. I mean today. But as has been happening for the last two weeks, out of no apparent reason, I found myself awake at 2 in the morning. Attempts to get back to sleep are always in vain.
When I find myself awake I try to do puzzles in my head so that I get tired enough to sleep. Today what must have started out as a puzzle has turned into a full blown post.
Here goes. What if computers had emotions? Like if you pressed the wrong key repeatedly or you hit the monitor or you spill your juice onto the keyboard, it refuses to work until you do something it considered apologetic. But computers can't have emotions can they? Not like you and me. They are logical. I suspect that this is due to their coding. For computers it's either 1 or 0. Could therefore emotions be contained in the infinite numbers between 0 and 1? Is this how we humans think and thus is this how computers should 'think' in order for them to rule the world?
Let's take examples. How do you decide that you love one person and not the other assuming them both having the same physical attributes? You ask yourself a series of questions; is this person the best candidate for procreation? Can he take care of his offspring to ensure the survival of his species? Can he protect me from aggresors? Basically that's what you're subconsciously thinking but this is all wrapped up in nice little neurotransmitters that make you feel good whenever the answer is yes. So I dare say that like a computer you break down a problem into it's most basic questions which can be answered using yes or no. 1 or 0.
Is there a God? The most logical minds will tell you no, that there is no God. The basic question would be has anything been reported that is unexplainable by physics? But this question is biased because it is constrained by how much of our physical world we know and how much is known. But adherents will tell you, yes there is a God. Faith. There is no logical explanation (yet) of why they feel that something supernatural is working around us. Is it psychological? Our need to try to explain the unexplainable, hope that there is something that doesn't follow the laws of physics. And that this entity has human emotions, character and face.  Thus it follows that faith is logical. And we're back to being the same as computers. Only that we are programmed (by God?) to eat, mate (and get offspring) and to survive for as long as possible.
I think that the reason why the computer doesn't have emotions is because we haven't programmed it complexly enough. We haven't put in enough basic questions and most important of all given it reason to do anything on its own ie neurotransmitters and structures that 'feel good' when it does something. In fact this might be the most important element; motivation to act.
In other news what would happen if we stopped using a base of ten in everything. Like 2 multiplied by 5 would be equal to 13 when you use a base of 7. Is it even called a base?
PS:Much love cardiac mellitus.

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