Friday 15 November 2013


When faced with a new situation, there are different levels of thought that each person goes through. From something being new to understanding it perfectly, making it better and finally asking yourself, can something different  be done.
Everything that happens starts off as a need. This imbalance in life (as is with nature) must be corrected or adapted to.
As humans, once faced with a need we look to how our fellow human beings are dealing with it. What s happening around us usually determines the next step we take to rectify our need? We ask ourselves how are others doing it and can we do it the same way to satisfy our need? We end up looking for how someone more experienced than us is doing it and copying it.
The next step is trying to perfect what we have seen happen and have been doing for a while. Can you do what you are doing perfectly? Is it yielding the result you wanted?
The next step is asking ourselves, apart from how we are doing it, are there other ways to do the same thing? In this phase you research far and wide for other ways to do what you are doing. You may be seeking to improve your process or simply to have choice in your methods. Or you have encountered situations in what you are doing and by correcting them you have discovered newer ways to correct any mistakes that were occurring in your work.
After you have known and researched on the many ways and improvements to your process, you ask yourself which among these ways is the best. For this phase you may come up with comparative tests between different methods or you may hypothesize on newer ways and subject them to tests to gauge their efficacy. In this phase you will have already mastered the different ways to do something and with these ways in mind you test newer ways to see if they perform better or worse.
This is the final step for many people. You already know all the methods to do something. You might have even discovered newer and better ways to do something. You have already discredited many ways that cause problems. Now you ask yourself, to get what is needed in general is it necessary to go through this method that you have studied so diligently? Or can other methods bring about what you are seeking and may be resolve another need that is present?

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