Sunday 10 November 2013

Wifmann XFC

We would like to introduce you to "Wifmann XFC'. The latest quality product from our award winning factories around the world.
Her features will get you foaming at the mouth.
With the new state-of-the-art audio system you get complains and nagging in stereo. Forget the sulking and silences at the dinner table. Our new product promises texting, cyber stalking, show-up-at-your-work-place-with-a-kitchen-knife fun!
And that's not all. An added feature to our product; 'Radicool' means that no matter how hot you she is, she turns to ice at the first wrong word you say. Is this great or what!
Expect the unexpected. With our new circuit board our product promises to go into a rage at any time, for any reason and even when there is no reason at all. Talk about exhilarating!
The real experience is not buying one. With smooth curves and free standing accessories at purchase, Wifmann XFC promises to grow huge, fat and floppy as you continue using it.
Don't worry, with our completely fake money back guarantee, you can return your old product back to us in exchange for a completely new product! Talk about economic sense!
So look around. Don't get left out. Get yourself the new Wifmann XFC now!

Terms and conditions apply. Wifmann XFC may kill you, kick you, burn you with hot water or make you the happiest man alive. Do not use Wifmann XFC if you are using any other similar product. Wifmann XFC is provided on an 'as is basis.' You cannot use two Wifmann XFC at the same time. In case of malfunction, excessive growth rate, mood swings, randomly embarrassing you or putting a hit on you, our company is not liable. Only God can help you.

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 The fall A lot of time when talking with her you feel so calm and normal as if you are talking to a person who has known you your entire li...